45 nutrition label in spanish
Label the Food Pyramid in Spanish - Enchanted Learning Use the word bank below to label the food pyramid words in Spanish. Extra Information. Word Bank. el aceite, el arroz, el pan, el pescado, el queso, la carne, la fruta, la leche, la pasta, las verduras, los caramelos, los cereales, los huevos. Other Links: Estimated Grade Level. Spanish | Food and Nutrition Information Center | NAL | USDA La Leche League International. Find resources for breastfeeding help, learn about breastfeeding and the law, and find resources for health care providers in Dutch, Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Ukranian. Links to resources for infant feeding in emergencies (multilingual)
How to Read a Dog Food Label – American Kennel Club 30.11.2020 · But first, you need to know how to read a dog food label. Your best tool for deciding what to feed your dog is right on the can or bag. We all want the best for our dogs, including nutrition.